You are my Sunflower

There once was a girl who loved sunflowers, and animals, and rainbows, and riding her wooden swing high above the trees.

She loved to smile; she was kind and gentle, and thoughtful in her ways.

The world was a better place when she laughed.

She was perfect and she was loved.


“You Are My Sunflower” one of a kind sparkle dust snow globe. Mixed media, including metal and wire sculpture in liquid under glass. All images and designs copyright (c) 2014 Camryn Forrest Designs, Denver, Colorado.

A Song Only She Could Hear


I wanted to express emotions, ideas and yearnings with the movement of clay — but this one took me by surprise.

Although I was feeling a sweet, dreamy, thoughtful face when I made it, when finished, I felt certain that this tiny being was listening to a song that only she could hear.

And so it is.


One of a kind, mixed media sculpture in liquid under glass. A tiny clay head and shoulders is elevated on a bed of metal music notes. When shaken, the liquid bursts with golden dust and flecks of black music notes. It is a song that only she can hear. Designs and images copyright (c) 2014 Camryn Forrest Designs, Denver, Colorado.